Ocean of feelings

Comic idea by @theadientvoid, thank you so much for sharing.❤ “Like the rain, these feelings will pass”, but what if the rain is so heavy it engulfs everything and you feel like you’re drowning, so you put those feelings in a box and eventually create a whole ocean of feelings inside you… How are you …

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Constant mood

Constant mood. Who can relate?❤ I think COVID-19 is causing a dramatic rise in panic/anxiety attacks as people are increasingly worried about their physical and mental health. Since some of the symptoms like difficulty breathing and tightness or pressure in the chest are similar to COVID-19 symptoms, you may immediately worry that you’re ill with …

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Nothing but exist

Some days all you can do is breathe and that’s okay. You’re allowed rest. You are allowed to have an off day (or two, or more, etc). Don’t be so hard on yourself.❤ If today, all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you. Take care of yourself.❤

No motivation

Monday-no-motivation-day. And that’s okay too. Actually, I have already done a lot today haha, (I woke up very early for once) but didn’t do the things I would like to do. There’s still time left in this day, so everything is possibl..Nah, tired and uninspired. Who’s with me?

So many ideas…

And you know what, that’s okay.❤ Trying not to force yourself to do something you don’t feel like doing (right now) It’s hard, sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed by all the ideas I want to make happen. (And then don’t or can’t) Feeling sad (and or maybe a bit jealous) seeing people doing the …

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