
(Hover with the cursor on the image for English or when on the phone tap and hold the image) Inner dissagreement. Anxiety, shame, etc. I know it needs time, balance and patience. We have to co-operate. Try being gentle with yourself.❤ URGHFJBNJX Dit dus posten vind ik al doodeng. De neiging om nu te verdwijnen, …

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Did that period go by quickly or slowly? Sometimes time can feel so weird in lockdown. But for me, this happens on a daily basis, even before covid-19. Do you sometimes experience that time feels so strange? ❤ You’re not alone in this.

Ocean of feelings

Comic idea by @theadientvoid, thank you so much for sharing.❤ “Like the rain, these feelings will pass”, but what if the rain is so heavy it engulfs everything and you feel like you’re drowning, so you put those feelings in a box and eventually create a whole ocean of feelings inside you… How are you …

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A grounding method

Did you already know about this grounding technique? Do you ever use it? Does it work for you? Or do you have other grounding exercises? Please share it with us❤ The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique: For each step, either write, think, or say aloud the sensations you’re observing. – 5 things you can see right now. …

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Strip vertaling: Sometimes, after waking up from a bad dream, it can feel like you’re still in the middle of it. – Soms, na het ontwaken van een nachtmerrie, kan het aanvoelen alsof je er nog midden in zit. The day starts differently, everything feels different As if you don’t know what is real and …

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Diary struggles

Me: starting a diary so you can read what’s going on and remember things. Like two or three days fanaticly writing in it and then just forgot I had a diary. A year later suddenly: “Oh yeah I have to write this stuff down, it’s important”, but having a big gap with nothing in it …

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Dingen doen

Soms wil ik echt heel graag dingen doen, maar doe ik ze niet. Zoals lezen, schilderen of in dagboekjes tekenen. Ervaar vaak (of eigenlijk altijd?) het gevoel geen tijd te hebben. Een opgejaagd gevoel. Geen rust om deze dingen te (mogen) doen. Wat schiet er bij jou als eerste te binnen wat jij graag nog …

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