Vergeet ik iets?

Een oudere al. Ik post ‘m nu. Merk wel dat ik veel spanningen voel, denk door de blogtekst. Felt confident, might delete later I guess haha. Het gevoel continu iets te moeten doen. Momenteel is dat vooral ’s avonds (afleiding zoeken). Tegelijkertijd tegenstrijdigheid en denken: “Nee, het is avond, nu nog dingen doen betekent hyper …

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In the mud

[edit: Ah no! Made a spelling mistake😭 Comic panel 3 “tring” = trying. “It’s like you’re trying to move through thick mud and think through think fog.”] The quiet strength and fortitude of continuing on… It’s like everyone around you is travelling at twice the speed and you’re in a dream where you’re stuck in …

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Aan de slag!

(Hover with the cursor on the image for English or when on the phone tap and hold the image) I try to work on the booklet, but it all gets so real. Have to deal with all these feelings like insecurity, anxiety, ashamed, failure, exposed. “How do I do this? What to share, what not? …

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