Constant mood

Constant mood. Who can relate?❤ I think COVID-19 is causing a dramatic rise in panic/anxiety attacks as people are increasingly worried about their physical and mental health. Since some of the symptoms like difficulty breathing and tightness or pressure in the chest are similar to COVID-19 symptoms, you may immediately worry that you’re ill with …

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Nothing but exist

Some days all you can do is breathe and that’s okay. You’re allowed rest. You are allowed to have an off day (or two, or more, etc). Don’t be so hard on yourself.❤ If today, all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you. Take care of yourself.❤

No motivation

Monday-no-motivation-day. And that’s okay too. Actually, I have already done a lot today haha, (I woke up very early for once) but didn’t do the things I would like to do. There’s still time left in this day, so everything is possibl..Nah, tired and uninspired. Who’s with me?

From off to on

Lyrics by The Knife – From off to on. Sometimes I’ve got random songs stuck in my head. Going on repeat mode, stuck on loop in your head. This time it’s this particular song from the Knife. This song is weirdly (and maybe darkly) funny and it feels so cold and dark and beautiful. Sometimes …

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Dear self

It’s okay if you’re not sure. (Like I am right now with a comic that I have been working on for months whuuut?! And other personal stuff as well) It’s gonna be okay❤

Dear self

I had a doctor’s appointment for an examination of a certain body part (confronting stuff). After this examination I suddenly started to cry what startled me. “Don’t!” “Not now!” “Don’t cry in the middle of an explanation from the doctor” “It’s rude, you have to pay attention!” “Don’t cry for something stupid”. “It’s just a …

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Sometimes I wonder…

Een vriendin zei laatst dat de tekenaar (bij haar) even op vakantie is. Ik heb het gevoel dat de mijne met pensioen is ofzo. Have a lot on my mind. Nieuwe, spannende ontwikkelingen en veranderingen. (Ben er niet zo goed in) Denk dat er daarom even geen ruimte meer is voor het teken deel. Hoop …

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