Tagarchief: emoties
Feel the feelings
Feelings… Sometimes it may feel like that emotions are bad or that we don’t allow ourselves to fully experience our feelings. A little reminder: There are no bad feelings. Feelings are not “bad” or “good” but simply “comfortable” or “uncomfortable.” And even uncomfortable feelings (like sadness, anger etc) help us point issues we ignored about …
More tired
I know the drawings have been a bit dark and heavy lately, and I’m sorry, but that’s how life can be sometimes. Ups and downs, mostly the downs at the moment and that’s okay too. I’m still in the middle of (new) physical examinations. Wishing for better days. Try to get up after hitting rock …
Ocean of feelings
Comic idea by @theadientvoid, thank you so much for sharing.❤ “Like the rain, these feelings will pass”, but what if the rain is so heavy it engulfs everything and you feel like you’re drowning, so you put those feelings in a box and eventually create a whole ocean of feelings inside you… How are you …
This won’t last forever
Dear self
I had a doctor’s appointment for an examination of a certain body part (confronting stuff). After this examination I suddenly started to cry what startled me. “Don’t!” “Not now!” “Don’t cry in the middle of an explanation from the doctor” “It’s rude, you have to pay attention!” “Don’t cry for something stupid”. “It’s just a …
Being scared
Deurtje dicht
anxiety build up
Ok, so bizarre story: I have drawn this comic a little while back and the plan was to post this past weekend. With a caption explaining how anxiety builds up and that maybe I was exaggerating a bit about how I visualised this comic. ( maybe.. Just maybe a teeny tiny bit 😉 .) But …
Niet nu
Oke dan
Tijd voor afscheid
Afscheidsstrip [6/6] afscheid nemen. Daar komen ook (moeilijke) emoties om het hoekje kijken. Deze proberen toe te laten kan eng zijn. Bang voor heftige emoties, bang in gevoelens te blijven hangen, je te schamen voor emoties, het eng vinden om je kwetsbaar op te stellen, etc. Zelf was ik ook bang om juist geen emoties …
Beseffen / wegmaken afscheid
Hé hoi! Door met de strips over het afscheidsproces. Strip [3/6] gaat over het beseffen wat afscheid doet, stilstaan bij alles en iedereen waar je afscheid van gaat nemen en (in)zien wat er allemaal gaat veranderen. Ik weet nog dat toen het afscheid naderde ik geregeld werd overvallen met paniekaanvallen. ‘k Kon me toen af …