New year, new me? Which me? Oh well, still old me then. But maybe it’s time for a change in cartoon-me? My hair color haven’t changed in a while now. (yeeee us!) It’s been purple blue-ish over the past couple of… years(??) now I think? Ok, ok, maybe it was different a few times, but that’s the beauty of these non permanent hair dyes. You can change it whenever you want to. So… “New” comic me? Uhh… Oh… I guess I’m not sure yet. Maybe a teeny tiny bit of change or maybe I’m just keeping it this way. I love drawing OC’s that represent me, but change causes me stress (and inner-arguments) too haha. I really do like this new version of comic ‘me’. Hmmm… I will think about it. What do you think I should do? Team pink or team purple? 😀 haha
Sorry voor het Engelse taalgebruik. Soms voelt het veiliger om (slecht) Engels te typen dan in het Nederlands…
(Voor je reactie verschijnt moet deze eerst handmatig goedgekeurd worden)