Getting breakouts wearing face mask.😷 Do you also have this?
Is it weird not to participate with the “yes / no facemasks” opinions? 🤷♀️ I just do it, feel little resistance. (As if I don’t have an opinion about it. Maybe old trauma mechanism related or so. That I don’t dare to have an opinion about it, so it just feels blanc / numb and I do it anyway) I don’t like the stuffiness of it,🥵 but being invisible “in disguise” is nice.😎 And help others by not spreading the virus is also nice. 😎+ (I mean, I’m doing the best I can)
But I know that it can also be opposite. (feelings and so completely flipped around) That you can feel an enormous resistance to some things (in the pandemic). (Some things can come close to trauma stuff and can trigger you.) Haha I notice now that it shifts (switchy). See, even with this text I disagree with myself.🙈🙃 (it’s scary to share an opinion I guess)
PS: Next week(s) I’m working on a bedroom renovation, so (in advance) sorry for the silence. Hope to see you again after all this is done, with new comics.❤
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